Club Dystopia

2016, Istanbul
Most of my paintings in recent years have focused on modern architecture and its decline in different geographies, as well as the altered fate of these buildings due to social, political or economic factors. Though no longer relevant, Taksim Belediye Gazinosu was once the symbol of early- Republican-era policies in Turkey. The same goes for Ankara Çubuk Barajı Gazinosu and the Ankara Exhibition Hall. The show is partially about the similar fates of buildings from this era.

from the interview with the artist by Jbid Boyaciyan , 2016

'club dystopia', exhibition view, 2016, PIartworks Istanbul
'club dystopia', exhibition view, 2016, PIartworks Istanbul
'club dystopia', exhibition view, 2016, PIartworks Istanbul
'club dystopia', exhibition view, 2016, PIartworks Istanbul
'industrial age' 2 , 2016, oil on canvas 100 x 120cm
"last dance", 2016, oil on canvas 90 x 200 cm
'industrial age', 2016, oil on canvas, 145x170 cm
'entertainments at the Cubuk Dam', 2016, oil on canvas, 120x140 cm
'mimesis', 2016, oil on canvas, 30x40 cm

2016, Istanbul
Most of my paintings in recent years have focused on modern architecture and its decline in different geographies, as well as the altered fate of these buildings due to social, political or economic factors. Though no longer relevant, Taksim Belediye Gazinosu was once the symbol of early- Republican-era policies in Turkey. The same goes for Ankara Çubuk Barajı Gazinosu and the Ankara Exhibition Hall. The show is partially about the similar fates of buildings from this era.

from the interview with the artist by Jbid Boyaciyan , 2016